1 Pi= 2084亿美元*(100 倍-1000倍)*0.6 (移动端市场占有率) / 30亿个/流通率(按 30%计算)= 13893 ~ 美元
2084 亿美元为当前全球数字货币总市值,这里的流通率是按照 30%计算,pi 币总数量按照 1000 万人停产时候的 30 亿个左右计算,具体参数都可以调整,比如增量市场倍数(100-1000 倍),流通率,总币数,但目前看来,调整幅度不会太大,控制在 1 个数量级的范围内。
互联网泡沫(又称科网泡沫或 dot 泡沫)指自 1995 年至 2001 年间的投机泡沫,在欧美及亚洲多个国家的股票市场中,与科技及新兴的互联网相关企业股价高速上升的事件。在 2000 年 3 月 10 日 指数到达 5048.62 的最高点时到达顶峰。在此期间,西方国家的股票市场看到了其市值在互联网板块及相关领域带动下的快速增长。这一时期的标志是成立了一群大部分最终投资失败的,通常被称为“COM”的互联网公司。股价的飙升和买家炒作的结合,以及风险投资的广泛利用,创造了一个温床,使得这些企业摒弃了标准的商业模式,突破(传统模式的)底线,转而关注于如何增加市场份额。到了 2001 年,泡沫全速消退。大多数网络公司在把风投资金烧光后停止了交易,许多甚至还没有盈利过。投资者经常戏称这些失败的网络公司为“.炸弹()”或“.堆肥()”。
比特币从出生价格为 0,到攀升至市场顶部 20074 美元的价格。在到达 20074 美金的价格顶峰之后,比特币进入了熊市期,比特币价格也在 2018 年 12 月中旬触底至 3000 多美元的,到如今 2019 年 12 月的 7000 多美元,基本可以视为数字货币的互联网泡沫破灭。
市场在等待比特币价格攀升至 10 万美元,100 万美元吗?我认为不是的,市场在等待移动端数字货币王者的到来
互联网是一个非常有意思的行业,虽然竞争充分,但是在很多细分领域却又出现了单极格局,甚至是出现了赢家通吃的局面。种种案例不再赘述,我们按照龙头企业占据市场 60%份额来估算。全球数字货币总市值突破 2000 亿美元 BTC 市值占比达 59%。比特币市场杂志显示,有 3200 万比特币钱包。超过一半的钱包(53%)用于长期投资或投机。
5.全球数字货币总市值 2084 亿美元
数据显示,截至 2019 年 11 月 22 日 12:00,全球数字货币市场币种共计 2358 种。总市值共计约为 2084 亿美元。
6.pi (pi 币)将创造传统数字货币市场 100-1000 倍以上的新增量蓝海市场
pi (Pi 币)是第一个移动端数字货币。按照互联网领域先发优势规律,我们认为 pi 将占据移动端数字货币市场份额的 60%以上(极有可能 90%)。
2084 US is the total value of the . The rate here is by 30%, and the total of PI coins is by about 3 when 10 stop . can be , such as (100-1000 times), rate, and the total of coins. , at , the range is not too large, one order of .
The are as :
The (also known as the dot com or the dot ) to the 1995 and 2001, and in the stock of and and many Asian , the share price rose with the and 。 On March 10, 2000, the index a peak of 5048。62。 this , the stock of saw the rapid of its value by the and 。
The of this is the of a group of , often to as “com”, whose 。 The of the share price and the buyer’s , as well as the use of , has a , which makes these the model, break the line ( model), and focus on how to share。 By 2001, the had at full speed。 Most have after up their , many of which have not even made 。 often call these “booms” or “”。
2. money – the in human
has gone from a birth price of 0 to a price that has to the top of the of $20074. After the peak of US $20074, a bear , and also hit to $more than 3000 in mid 2018, up to $more than 7000 in 2019.
3. money will copy the rise of the .
Is the for to climb to $, $1 ? I don’t think so. The is for the of the money king
4. all in the
The is a very . there is , there is a in many , even a takes all . All kinds of cases will not be in . We that the 60% of the share. The total value of has US $200 , and the value of BTC for 59%. to , there are 32 . More than half of (53%) are used for long-term or .
5. Total value of : 2084 US
to cap, there are 2358 in the as of 12:00 on 22, 2019. The total value is about $2084 .
6. PI (PI ) will a new blue ocean of 100-1000 times more than the
PI is the first . to the law of first mover in the field, we that Pi will more than 60% of the money share (most 90%).